29 abril 2009

Notícias da Associação Internacional de Ciência Política (IPSA)!

Philippe C. Schmitter Receives the 2009 Johan Skytte Prize


The 2009 Johan Skytte Prize in political science has been  awarded to Philippe C. Schmitter, professorial fellow and emeritus professor at the European University Institute (EUI) in Firenze, Italy. Professor Schmitter receives the prize for his ground-breaking work on the role of corporatism in modern democracies, and for his stimulating and innovative analysis of democratization.

In this context, prof. Schmitters’ extensive and in-depth work on regional integration in Latin America and Western Europe should be mentioned. Philippe C. Schmitter is a true comparativist, and for decades he has contributed to the advancement of political science. Thanks to his work on interest intermediation and its organization and function in modern democracies, as well as his re-discovery of corporatist state-society interaction, prof. Schmitter a leading authority on the concept of corporatism. Philippe C. Schmitter has also inspired new generations of young political scientists by serving as a professor and mentor at The University of Chicago and at Stanford and EUI. He received his PhD from UC Berkeley.

Para saber mais: o prof. Schmitter leciona no Instituto Europeu (Florença) e já esteve muitas vezes no Brasil. É bastante ensinado nos cursos introdutórios ("a função da política é resolver os conflitos de forma pacífica..."). Na página pessoal do professor (http://www.iue.it/SPS/People/Faculty/CurrentProfessors/Philippe_C_Schmitter.shtml) podem ser encontrados diversos textos de sua autoria.


O prêmio Johan Skytte é oferecido pelo fundação de mesmo nome localizada na universidade de Uppsala (Suécia) para estimular contribuições na área de teoria política, administração pública, política comparada e relações internacionais. O site que explica o caráter do prêmio éhttp://skytteprize.statsvet.uu.se/ .

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